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  应美国洛杉矶康奈尔现代音乐学院(Cornel School of Contemporary Music at Shepherd University)的邀请,享誉海内外的中国音乐学院紫禁城室内乐团将于3月访问该校,开展关于多元文化背景下的中美音乐教育、音乐创作与表演、中国音乐推介等一系列交流与合作活动。


  紫禁城室内乐团本次访问洛杉矶系列活动的亮点之一,将是3月26日晚由康奈尔现代音乐学院主办,在著名的Arcadia Performance Arts Cente举办的“四面来风”---音乐国际对话与合作(系列之6)音乐会。紫禁城室内乐团的著名演奏家们将演出多首中国音乐经典名曲和当代室内乐作品。音乐会还将全球首演由康奈尔现代音乐学院院长、著名作曲家Daniel Walker博士应邀为紫禁城室内乐团创作的,以中国传统文化为背景,以老子的《道德经》为脚本,围绕《天道》——世界的起源和哲学这一主题,由五个乐章组成的室内乐作品《不见而明》。






  03/26/2017 7:00 PM





  一 《金蛇狂舞》

  聂耳编曲 王丹红 编配

  二 《寒鸦戏水》


  三 《线戏》


  四 《二泉映月》二胡与室内乐

  华彦钧 曲 熊俊杰 编配 二胡演奏:张尊连

  五 琵琶独奏《十面埋伏》



  六 《夜深沉》京胡与乐队

  京剧曲牌吴华 编曲

  京胡:沈诚 京二胡:张尊连 司鼓:焦山林

  ----------------休 息----------------


  邹航 曲

  八 《道德经》

  See Without Looking Daniel Walk(US)



  Music dialogue and cooperation (Series of 6)

  Concert program list

  Conductor: Liu Shun

  1. Dance of the Golden Snake

  Composed by Nie

  ErAdapted by Wang Danhong

  2. Jackdaws playing with the water

  Ancient Tune from the Han Dynasty

  3. Puppet Opera Folk Music from Shanxi

  4. Moon Over the Fountain

  Composed by Hua Yanjun

  Erhu Solo: Zhang Zunlian

  5. Ambush on all sides

  Ancient Tune

  Pipa Solo: Yang Jing

  6. Deep into the Night

  Beijing Opera Piece

  Jing Hu:Shen Cheng,

  Er Hu: Zhang Zunlian

  Drummer: Jiao Shanlin


  7. Vajra Dancing Drunk

  Composed by Zou Hang

  8. See Without Looking

  Composed by Daniel Walk (US)

  (World premiere)






  紫禁城室内乐团在继承中国优秀音乐文化传统的同时,着力推动中国民族音乐的时代创新,广泛开展国际交流与合作。先后与俄罗斯安德烈耶夫国立模范民族乐团、新西兰弦乐四重奏团(New Zealand String Quartet)、惠林顿音乐学院钢琴演奏家、作曲家高平、美国新英格兰音乐学院弦乐四重奏团(Borromeo String Quartet)、柯蒂斯音乐学院钢琴演奏家Meng-Chieh Liu、达拉斯交响乐团、休斯顿交响乐团,以及多位中外著名的民族民间音乐家联合演出。同时与波兰作曲家协会、西班牙音乐家协会、塞尔维亚作曲家联合会、匈牙利作曲家协会、新西兰室内乐协会,以及新西兰惠灵顿音乐学院、澳大利亚堪培拉大学亚洲文化中心、波兰密茨凯维奇大学、美国巴德学院等学术与文化机构开展跨文化的音乐交流与合作。2016年2月应邀参加斯坦福大学的“泛亚音乐节”,同时在美国柯蒂斯音乐学院举办了由中美音乐家、作曲家共同完成,并通过网络向全球直播的联合音乐会。





  The Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra

  The Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra is a widely influential chamber orchestra featured in Chinese Traditional music and is quite active on the world’s contemporary music stage.The orchestra is composed of well-known musicians from Chinese Conservatory of Music, a top university in China of this field.

  As a high-level art group recognized by the Ministry of Culture for international exchange, the Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra has attended many major music events at home and abroad ever since its establishment in 2008, touring numerous countries and regions including Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, the US, Israel, Spain, Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonia, Mexico, Cuba, Czech, Trinidad and Tobago, Tanzania and Mauritius etc. The Orchestra has also been invited to Auckland and Brisbane Music Festival of Australia, New Zealand International Music Festival, Romania Enescu Music Festival, Mexico Cervantes International Art Festival, “Autumn of Warsaw”—International Modern Music Festival, Singapore Chinese Art Festival and so forth. Its art footprints spread throughout the globe.

  While inheriting excellent Chinese musical and cultural traditions, the Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra is also committed to innovating Chinese folk music in the new era and cooperates widely with international art institutions, performing jointly with Russian Andreyev National Model Orchestra, New Zealand String Quartet, the pianists from Wellington Music Conservatory, composer Gao Ping, Borromeo String Quartet of the New England College of Music, pianist Meng-Chieh Liu from Curtis Institute of Music, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Huston Symphony Orchestra, Polish Composer Association, Spanish Musicians’ Association, Serbian Composers’ Federation, Hungarian Composers’ Association, New Zealand Chamber Music Society, University of Canberra in Australia, Mickiewicz University in Poland, Bard College, and many prestigious Chinese and foreign folk musicians successively, and launching cross-cultural music exchanges and cooperation. In February, 2016, the Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra was invited to attend the “Pan Asian Music Festival” in Stanford University. Meanwhile the Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra presented a live network broadcast joint concert with American musicians and composers in Curtis institute of music.

  The Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra has published 5 original music CDs: Mengbian Simeng (Four Dreams beside Plum), Feng Sheng (Sound of Wind), Tian Yun (God’s Will), Simian Laifeng(Wind Coming from All Sides)Ⅰand Simian LaifengⅡ, collecting many classic works of Chinese folk music. Besides, the orchestra also commissioned famous composers from China, the US, Russia, New Zealand, Poland, Philippines to compose dozens of multi-style and pioneering original music pieces.

  The serial art practices of Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra have been highly praised by the international music community and thousands of music lovers. It is remarked as “the embodiment of the unique grace and elegance of Chinese traditional music, and demonstration of the rare classics and charm of contemporary music,” “an example of exploring the communication between Chinese contemporary music and the world,” and “one of the most influential chamber orchestras across the globe”.

古典音乐作曲家Daniel Walker

  Daniel Walker

  Contemporary American classical composer Daniel Walker’s music has been heard on the concert stage, in film and on television, including work for HBO, NBC, ABC, PBS, Bavaria Film and many others.

  In 1999, Walker traveled to China for the first time to work with pianist Kong Xiang Dong, which began a rich creative co-operation with Chinese filmmakers, artists and musicians that has continued to grow over the past 18 years. His classical ballet, Marco Polo: The Last Mission, was premiered by the Shanghai Ballet Company as part of the opening festival of the China’s World Expo in May 2010 and continues to be performed as part of the company’s repertoire.

  Walker’s composition See Without Looking was written for the Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra in 2016. The five-movement work is inspired bythe writings of the Tao TehChing- focusing on the origin of the world, and the philosophy of “The Way”.

  Daniel Walker teaches composition and film scoring at Shepherd University in Los Angeles, and has served as dean of the music department since March 2012.

  美国当代古典音乐作曲家丹尼尔.沃克的作品环绕在音乐会及电影、电视中,他的作品包括为HBO、NBC、ABC、PBS、Bavaria Film 等公司创作的作品。

  1999年,沃克第一次去中国和中国钢琴家孔祥东合作,这次旅行开启了他迄今18年和中国电影制作人、艺术家及音乐人极富创想、多姿多彩的共同艺术创作。他的古典芭蕾舞剧《马可.波罗- 最后的使命》做为2010年上海世博会的开幕演出首演并成为上芭的保留剧目。






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